What is the full form of www?(www)full from

01. Introduction
   Here we will learn about full form of (www)the world wide web is full form of (www).
02. Basic Terms of (WWW)
         The world wide web is the most papular service provided by the internet.It is also known as
        The Web.Th web is the collection of web pages on the internet.It contains a variety of information that can be accessed by the people all over the world.
 (Web Page)
A web page is a document on the world wide web.It can contain text,graphics,audio,videos and links to other pages.
A website is a collection of related web pages.Each website contains a number of documents and files.A user can access any website in the world by writing its address in the address bar of web browser. He/she can move from one page to another page of a website.
 Web Browser
A web browser is a software which is used to access the world wide web.We can access and view different web pages or websites using a web browser.
 Web Server
A computer on which a web page or website is stored is known as web server.When we access a web page through a web browser, we actually send a request to the web server which show the specific web page on the over page.
URLURL is an address of web page on the internet.Every web page has a unique address.A web page can only be accessed if we know the url of that page.For example google is one of the most papular websites and its URL is http://www.google.com..
Search EnginesSearch is a program that is used to find web pages and websites on the Inernet.When we type  a word or phrase,the searh engine shows a list of websites with related information.
Home PageThe very first page of website is known as Home Page.It serves as an introduction of the entire website.All links of other pages of the website are given on the  home page.
Web Hosting
Web hosting is the service which provides online internet storage space for a web page.These web pages are stored on large web servers.The companies which provide this space are known as web hosts.
Types Of WebsitesThere are several types of websites some them are given below.
PortalA protal is a website that provides a broad array of services such as email,forums,online shopping, search engine,etc.Yahoo,AOL,etc are  some examples of web protal.
NEWSThe websites which are based on news current affairs are known as news websites.BBC.com,CNN.com,Duniyanews.tv etc are some examples of news websites
InformationalInformational websites allow users to find infromation on a specific topic or business.These are the first version of websites which are uploaded on the inernet.About.com health.com are some examples of informational websites.
Educational Educational website allow user to solve different  educational problem on the internet .They can solve different activities on these sites.khan Aacadmy.com Quran.com,funbrain,etc. are example of educational websites.
BusinessThe website which is used to do online business is known as business websites.These websites serves as the protfolio of a specific  company.Apple.com,microsoft.com etc,are some examples of business websites.

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