Start up on Fiverr in 2020 and the short answer is no we ended up having a long discussion about all of the strategies that I've employed over the last three years and why I think 2020 is the perfect time to start up on Fiverr and then afterwards. I thought well there are probably lots of people out there that would love to know this kind of information.I want to know how long you've been on Fiverr if you're already a member of one of the greatest freelancing communities on the internet.Let us know when you joined in the comments below so here are three things you should know about starting Fiverr in 2020 number one it is super easy to do one of the great things about the fiverr platform is that the barrier to entry is extremely low you could set up a profile and a gig today and be selling straight up tomorrow and over all from my perspective in life.It's never too late to start something new so whether you're a brand new freelancer or you've been freelancing for years starting up in a new platform like Fiverr with a low barrier to entry.It just makes sense now that being said that leads us to tip number two and that is if you want to have success on Fiverr. It involves a lot of work while it's easy to sign up immediately and get started just signing up doesn't guarantee success aside from coming up with the killer gig you need to write a great gig description and come up with a pricing structure create a compelling video and then start promoting your gig.So while you could sign up right now that doesn't automatically guarantee sales you know when I was helping my friend we were talking about things that she hadn't even considered from everything like setting up a basic gig to how to optimize your offerings for best search rankings so putting in the hard work to do things right at the onset can help you jump-start your fiverr business and that leads us to point Number three Fiverr is a marathon not a sprint you know you can set up a gig and you can start selling it immediately and you will make some money and that could happen for you tomorrow the day off or be next week but the truth is if you are intending to use fiverr as a long-term business plan you have to look at it more as a marathon and part of that is understanding that you may not have immediate success upon starting on the platform. let me that's just the reality a freelance website like Fiverr is based on social proof meaning the more gigs you sell and the better reviews you get the more inclined people are to buy from you so that means it can be really slow going at the onset but by sticking with it and putting in the continual work of tweaking your gig and improving on your offerings over time that can snowball into a full-time income believe me. I know I went full time on Fiverr after eight months on the platform back in January 2017 and even though I've been a top-rated seller for a number of years now it doesn't mean that it's too late to start today I'll be honest with you Fiverr has changed my entire life it's provided me with the platform and an outlet to do.What I want to do on a daily basis and ultimately that was working less making more money freelancing from home and spending more time with my family so I'm here to tell you that 2020 is definitely not too late to start on Fiverr or even to start anything new in life so hopefully these three quick tips have been helpful for you.
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