Top 50+ Full Forms Related Hardware Networking & Internet 2020

Top 50+ Full Forms Related Hardware Networking & Internet learn Full Forms ↓

01: Full form of (KB),Kilobyte is full form of KB and one Kilobyte is equal to 1024(KB).

02: Full form of (MB), Megabyte is the full form of MB and one Megabyte is equal to 1024(MB).

03: Full form of (GB),Gigabyte is the full form of GB and one Gigabyte is equal to 1024(GB).

04:Full form of (TB),Terabyte is the full form of  TB and one Terabyte is equal to 1024(TB).

05:Full form of (PB)Petabyte is the full form of PB and one Petabyte is equal to 1024(PB)

06:Full form of( EB),Exabyte is the full form of EB and one Exabyte is equal to 1024 (EB)

07:Full form of (ZB),Zettabyte is the full form of ZB and one Zetta byte is equal to 1024(EB)

08:  Full form of (YB),Yottabyte is the full form of YB and one Yotta byte is equal to 1024(YB)

09:.Full form of (2G),Second generation of mobile phone standards and technology is the full form of 2G.

10:Full form of (3G),Third generation of mobile phone standards and technology is the full form of 3G.

11:Full form of (4G),4th generation of mobile phone standards and technology is the full form of 4G.

12: Full form of (5G),5th generation of mobile phone standards and technology is the full form of 4G.

13: Full form of (AMD),Advanced Micro Devices is the full form of AMD.

14: Full form of (API),Application Programming Interface is the full form of API.

15: Full form of (ATA),Advanced Technology Attachment is the full form of ATA.

16: Full form of (ATX),Advanced Technology Extended is th full form of ATX.

17: Full form of (BIOS),Basic Input/Output System is the full form of BIOS.

18: Full form of (CD),Compect Disk is the full form of CD.

19: Full form of (CD'ROM),Compect Disk-Read Only Memory is the full form of CD'ROM.

20:Full form of (CD'RW),Compect Disk-Riwritable is the full form of  CD'RW.

21:Full form of (CMOS),Complementary Metal Oxide Semicoducter is the full form of CMOS.

22:Full form of (COMPUTER),Commenly Operated Machine Particularly Used In Technical And Educational Search is the full form of COMPUTER.

23:Full form of (CPU),Central Processing Unite is the full form of CPU.

24:Full form of (CSS),Cascading Style Sheets is the full form of CSS.

25:Full form of (DDR),Double Data-Rate is the full form of DDR.

26: Full form of (DDR RAM),Double Data-Rate Random Access Memory is the full form DDR RAM.

27:Full form of (DNS),Domain Name Service or Domain Name Server is the full form of DNS.

28: Full form of (DPI),Dots Per Inch is the full form of DPI.

29: Full form of (DVD),Digital Versatile Disc is the full form of DVD.

30: Full form of (DVD-ROM),Digital Versatile Disc Read Only Memory is the full form of DVD-ROM.

31: Full form of (DVD-RW),Digital Video Disc Riwriteable is the full form of DVD-RW.

32: Full form of (DVI),Digital Visual Interface is the full form of DVI.

33: Full form of (EMI),Electro Magnetic Interface is the full form of EMI.

34:Full form of (FAT),File Allocation Table is the full form of FAT.

35: Full form of (FAT), 32?32-Bit File Allocation Tabe is the full form of FAT 32.

36:Full form of (FDD),Floppy Disk Drive is the full form of FDD.

37: Full form of (FPS),Frame Per Second is the full form of FPS.

38: Full form of (FTP),File Transfer Protocol is the full form of FTP

39:Full form of (GBps),Gigabyte pers second is the full form of GBps.

40: Full form of (GHz),Gigahertz is the full form of GHz.

41:Full form of (GPRS),Genral Packet Radio System is the full form of GPRS.

42: Full form of (GUI),Graphical User Interface is the full form of GUI.

43:Full form of (HTTP),Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is the full form of HTTP.

44: Full form of (HTTPS),Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Over Secure Socket is the full form of HTTPS.

45: Full form of (IT),Information Of Technology is the full form of IT.

46: Full form of (LCD),Liquid Crystal Display is the full form of LCD.

47: Full form of (MAC),Media Access Control is the full form of MAC.

48: Full form of (SQL),Structured Query Language is the full form of SQL.

49: Full form of (SSD),Solid State Disk is the full form of SSD.

50: Full form of (TXT),Text is the full form of TXT.

51: Full form of (UI),User Interface is the full form of UI.
52: Full form of (USB),Universal serial bus is the full form of USB.

53: Full form of (UX),User Experiance is the full form of UX.

54: Full form of (VGA),Video Graphics Array is the full form of VGA.

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